Friday, November 21, 2008

November is winding down...

Just an update on Donna's progress. This was my first week back to work. It has been a busy week. I worked Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday. I'm exhausted! I had asked to have a light week since I haven't worked since September 18th! Four days in a row, all that driving and getting up early in the morning has me wiped out.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Weekend update

Things have been getting better and better. Tuesday was a rough day (one of the worst) and after a call to Dr. Rosenshein, I went in to get a CAT Scan. Even though I have the PICC line still, they needed to start an IV for the contrast. For some reason, they can not use the PICC line for the IV contrast. After 3 IV sticks, she finally got a very tiny IV started (the size I use on the newborns). I don't have very good veins anymore--or at least not when I need them. 3 sticks is better than the 9 it took in the hospital last time (which is why they started the PICC line). I've had the PICC line for 3 weeks. Bobby (or Dan) flush it every night with saline.
This is the PICC line. It is scheduled to be removed on Monday!!! YEAH!!!

Anyway, the CT scan showed a small bowel obstruction--as it has for the last 3 weeks. No surprise to me. I had bad pain in my lower abdomen and even though it seemed as things were passing by the kink, I could tell it was a tight fit.

After the CAT scan, they mentioned that the contrast I had had to drink might cause diarrhea. They were right. I was miserable from about 5PM thru the night. BUT, something must have happened with all of that diarrhea. Ever since then, things have been working quite normally and I haven't had any severe pain...UNTIL last night.

I think I have the flu. Julie woke me at about 1 and said she felt nauseated and sick. I moved over to Dan's bed so I could be closer to Julie in case she needed me. From about 3AM I was miserable. Chills, sweating, diarrhea, pain and cramps. I managed (between the running) to sleep until 10. I finally took some Immodium (against my better judgement after all this bowel stuff) but I had no choice. TODAY IS HOMECOMING and Julie has lots of plans. I took her and Dan to the parade in Williamsport at 11 and I just got back from taking her and her friend Casey to the Homecoming game at the school. Casey's mom will drop her back off (yipee) and then "we" get to start getting dressed for dinner & the dance. They are eating at Al Pomodoro in Hagerstown. Lindsey is escorting them and then to the dance at the school. See Julie's Blog later for pictures and check out Lindsey's Blog for her pictures.

Yesterday, I had to run to Chambersburg to pick up some concrete for Bobby so I stopped by the hospital (where I work) and got to visit with many of my friends. It is the first time I've been able to go there since the surgery. It was a long busy day for me but it was worth getting to visit with everyone.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


I spoke with Dr. Rosenshein today. He is pleased with the progress I am making. The Senokot-S seems to be helping the most. More than the Miralax, more than the Dulcolax. We decided to leave the PICC line in for another few days or a week instead of taking it out tomorrow. Just to be sure. Fine with me. So, I will go to Ambulatory Services at the hospital tomorrow and have the dressing changed. Then, it is good for another week.

Today, I took Julie to the barn. I took some more hay bail pictures. I found that I love hay bails. I'll put pictures up in a post of them. They are so pretty. The more the better! I found a Mennonite farm today...a jackpot!

Lots of love to all...D & B

Saturday, October 11, 2008


At 5:17 this morning....The excretion process performed its duty!!!! aka (I pooped)

Friday, October 10, 2008

Pictures from the hospital

Bobby & Donna

"The Dreaded Tube"

A few of the 91 Staples

Friday - 3 weeks from Surgery

I believe I managed to sneak out a post during one of my nights home from the hospital. That was Saturday evening and I went back to the hospital Sunday morning. Diagnosis: Small Bowel Obstruction. I was there until the following Monday (8 days later). The first two admissions, I was able to get by without an NG tube but the 3rd admission was a charm. In the ER, the put a huge NG tube down my nose which stayed for 2 days. It was horrible. My throat was so sore and I couldn't talk very well. THEN, that tube worked its way out and was just hanging inside my nose. We had to remove it and put in another one, which was much smaller and better tolerated. YUCK! They sucked 4 liters of sludge out of my stomach. YUCK! After a few more days with that tube, we clamped the tube from the suction and I started taking liquids. Dr. Rosenshein is the best. He was mostly in Baltimore where he practices but he was on top of things like he was right there. He is an amazing man. He is the doctor that did the original surgery. He is a GYN Oncologist. He called me last week to tell me that all of my tests and biopsies were signs of cancer.

Now up to today. I went to the doctor yesterday. The X-Ray still shows a bit of the small bowel obstruction. So, we are taking it VERY slow and I'm trying to stay on a liquid diet. So far, I'm holding my own...but just barely. After I eat/drink, my belly feels pretty full for a while. Passing gas is a great thing but that starts and stops depending on the day. I did last night, but not today. Still, no BM. (Many are waiting for that information). Bobby just brought home a Tony's Pizza and it is my favorite. I had 1/2 a slice..and chewed and chewed. I'll keep you posted on how that sits!

Thank you to everyone for the prayers, calls, cards, & texts. The support has been wonderful. I'd also like to thank the staff of 4E at our hospital. Everyone was terrific and treated me so well. Many thanks to everyone there!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Home again

It is Saturday and I was discharged this afternoon. I'm not putting much faith in how long I'll be out of the hospital because my best guess says I still have an Ileus. I've been home here working around the house, doing laundry, anything I can to get these bowels in gear! I'm very bloated and still feel distended--although I have good bowel sounds. I can't decide. The pieces don't match up...but time will tell and it won't take too long here this evening. I DO NOT WANT TO go back into the hospital! I hated it! I'll try to keep the blog updated on the poop scoop!

Many thanks to everyone who has emailed or called. Your support is terrific!